Quick Start Guide and Checklist

Rottweiler Training Essentials

Lesson 8

Be Generous And Kind

This is a short and sweet one (literally :) but an important reminder. Be generous with your rewards, your time and your love.

Always reward your dog’s correct responses and great behavior generously. Don’t be too stingy with the treats — especially when your dog has figured out something challenging. You don’t want to over do it and there’s always a balance, but you should use generosity at the right time for best results. The topic of Food Rewards is a big one. You will need to learn the right amount to give AND how to slowly work away from food treats all together. We cover this in our Primary Reinforcement Primer course.

Commit ample time to your training sessions. We’re all busy these days, but this is about necessary “quality time” for you and your dog. You’ll both enjoy and benefit from the training sessions, so make sure your schedule is adjusted accordingly and you commit enough time.